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SRO Jerry Hooks

Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Jerry Hooks has been named Florida’s SRO of the Year by the Florida Association of School Resource Officers. The Choctawhatchee H.S. SRO received the award via a virtual presentation Monday from the FASRO Conference in Orlando. Sheriff Larry Ashley said Deputy Hooks is the prototype SRO, with a strong tactical background combined with a giving and caring spirit. For example, he helped create a clothing closet and a food pantry for students in need. Supervisor Lt. Gary Venuti was also recognized with a FASRO “Lifetime Achievement Award”, which we shared via a news release earlier this month. These new honors mark the seventh and eighth state and national awards earned by the OCSO SRO Unit in the last nine years, an outstanding recognition of its exceptional dedication to protecting our students, teachers, administrators, and community. A longer video version including remarks from Deputy Hooks and Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody can be found at:
