Brandon Jennings has been named Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office 2017 Deputy of the Year! In June 2017, he elected to transfer from Patrol to the proactive and fast-paced work of the newly reconstituted Street Crimes Unit. The majority of the work is self-generated and demands highly motivated personnel. Deputy Jennings’ new responsibilities include surveillance, identifying, investigating, interviewing, and ultimately arresting criminals responsible for drug dealing, gang activity, burglaries, and robberies. Deputy Jennings’ work ethic and selflessness have greatly contributed to the success and impact of his new unit.
In 2017, Deputy Jennings conducted more than 180 traffic stops, investigated over 120 criminal complaints and made more than 100 arrests. These numbers portray a very active deputy but are even more impressive given that Deputy Jennings spent five of the last twelve months training six new deputies, logging nearly 700 hours of field training.
Since being assigned to SCU, Deputy Jennings has continued devoting himself to the community and his fellow deputies. Several coworkers have expressed their appreciation for Deputy Jennings’ assistance and hard work by staying several hours past the end of shift to help them with cases, several of them involving gun seizures and narcotics trafficking. It does not bother him to work an 18-hour day just to return a few hours later to start all over again.
Deputy Jennings led this very active unit with 400 calls for service in 2017. He was the top performer in traffic stops, narcotics investigations, probable cause arrests, security checks and warrant services.
In addition to Deputy Jennings’ regular law enforcement duties, he is also a member of the OCSO Honor Guard which proudly represents the Sheriff’s Office at law enforcement Line of Duty Death funerals and dignitary functions across the Southeast. This assignment is very physically and emotionally taxing, but Deputy Jennings does not shirk his duty to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice. During 2017, Deputy Jennings has attended five Line of Duty funerals and Presentation of the Colors events and conducted dozens of hours of training for these noble occasions.
Deputy Jennings does his fair share of locking up the bad guys and he takes the time to mentor less-experienced deputies. His devotion to the safety of the community is well-evidenced by his high productivity and dedication to making sure the job gets done. Deputy Jennings epitomizes the best that the Sheriff’s Office has to offer and is our 2017 Deputy of the Year.