A good way to help deter crime is to be involved in an active Neighborhood Watch Program. Neighborhood Watch was created to obtain citizen involvement in discouraging and preventing residential crime. The program uses citizen involvement to secure their own homes and personal property and to report any suspicious activity to the police. Neighborhood Watch operates to educate participants in the principles of deterrence, delay, and detection. The program depends upon a communication network organized with three levels of participants– the residents, block captain coordinators, and the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office. Vigilante actions are in no way condoned. No one is asked to take a personal risk or be a hero. Since its creation about ten years ago, Neighborhood Watch has brought a dramatic drop in the local residential crime rate.
The most important thing when starting a Neighborhood Watch in your area is get the support of your neighbors. When you believe you have enough interest, call our Crime Prevention Officer, Ashley Bailey, at 850 259-0031 to schedule a meeting at which she can visit your neighborhood, discuss your concerns and problems, and explain how a Neighborhood Watch Program works. It’s that simple. These meetings can be held in any convenient location in your neighborhood; someone’s living room, a school cafeteria, an apartment or condominium party room, or a nearby business.
If you would like information on our Neighborhood Watch Program or would like guidance to start one in your neighborhood, please call Ashley Bailey at (850) 259-0031.