Shown: OCSO Deputy Andy Wagner & Communications Officer Dale Blackwood
The Okaloosa County Communications Center has achieved accreditation, showcasing its commitment to continually improve its delivery of professional services to assist in public safety.
The intense evaluation of the Center’s protocols, policies, and operation by the Florida Telecommunications Accreditation Commission (FLA-TAC) took place in September and focused on compliance with more than 70 standards of operation, specific to the telecommunication function.
“The most valuable asset of any Communications Center is its employees and the OCSO has a team of amazing, dedicated, top-notch individuals,” said Sheriff Larry Ashley. “They calmly and routinely manage a variety of both urgent and routine calls, passing along efficient and vital information in sometimes life and death situations. I am exceedingly proud of their achievement and grateful for the critical mission they perform 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.”
The Accreditation accomplishment by the OCSO Communications Center compliments other accreditation awards the OCSO already holds through both the state’s Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation, and the National Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies.